PJ Flanders  Fine Art

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Painting Across Texas





Still Life

    Native American
Plein Air







sig5.GIF (1557 bytes)PJ's Studio


Model Release Form

I, _____________________________________ (model), being of legal age, consent and authorize Peggy Flanders, her successors and assigns, to use and reproduce my image in all forms and media, for any and all legal purposes, including publication and advertising and I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished art work.  I have read this release before signing and acknowledge that I am familiar with its contents


Model Signature __________________________ Date: ____________


Model Release Form for Minor


I, _____________________________________  am the parent or guardian of ____________________________________ (model) and have the legal right to execute this release.  I consent and authorize Peggy Flanders, her successors and assigns, to use and reproduce my image in all forms and media, for any and all legal purposes, including publication and advertising and I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished art work.  I have read this release before signing and acknowledge that I am familiar with its contents


Parent or Guardian Signature _______________________________

Date: __________________


©  1999-2006 PJ's Studio
All artwork Copywriter and cannot be reproduced or otherwise
utilized without written permission from the artist
432-683-9330  pj@peggyflanders.com